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28 Mar, 2021
New Testament
To lead the students to read the mind of the author and to see the relevance of his message both in his time and in our time.
We will begin with the overall structure and content of the gospel followed by the reading of the text to draw the message. Parallel passages in the other gospels will also be considered.
Students will be expected to work in detail with at least one major commentary on their own.
Basic Greek will also form a part of the course, continuing from earlier courses.
Class Presentations, Tests & Final Examination.
Perkins, Pheme; Gospel of Mark: Introduction, Commentary & Reflections (New Interpreter’s Bible Vol 8) Abingdon Press, Nashville 1995
Gospel of Mark (Sacra Pagina Series) Donohue JR & Harrington, DJ, Liturgical Press, Collegeville 2002
32 lecture hours in the 2nd Semester. (Not offered to lay students)
Msgr. James Gananapiragasam